Thursday, September 8, 2011

Catch Up Time;

Since nothing special happened today, (Not including the fact that I got off ridiculously early :D) I am going to fill this post with pictures from the weekend that I want to share!

But before I start, does anybody have an recommendations how how to go about further personalizing this?  Any useful websites I could poke around?  I used to be pretty good at the whole creating layouts thing, but... that has been many moons ago.   Not that I don't like the owls.. but they really just.. have nothing to do with anything.

Saturday - Dinner with Helen

Caleb and I met Helen half way in Hamlet to have dinner!  After a day and a half of begging Caleb to come with me because he didn't want to feel like the 3rd wheel.  (Which he did not of course.)  We ate ate this resturant called FATZ, and it was pretty delicious.  We didn't leave until around 1 in the morning after getting there at 8pm.  Needless to say, there was a lot of catching up to do.  I wish Helen lived closer.  I do indeed miss the days where it took all of 5 minutes to walk to her house.

This is also the night where I felt our little lady kick for the first time.  These pictures were taken only hours before.  Hehe.

I don't know about you, but I think that the picture of Caleb and Helen is freaking hilarious.  The look on his face, and then her in mid-laugh makes me happy.  My husband is such a goofball, and I love it.  I am going to document all the faces he can make so I can show them to our daughter while he is deployed.  That way she gets a sense of who her daddy really is.  <3

Sunday - Monday (And Tuesday, but that is up to date!)  Ashley came to visit!

Having Ashley here was a lot of fun, we just hung out and watched TV or did fun things.  Monday when she got here, we watched Splice with the husband and Gut.  That move is werid.  Enjoyable, but really werid.  I still need to take it back, come to think of it.  -.-

It was so much worse than it looks. 
That fan worked wonders though, kind of.

On Monday, it was Labor Day so both Caleb and I were off from everything.  Which was amazing, but while he was getting his hair done and such Ashley and I went to the pool for a little while.  This led us to have the wonderful idea to have a little cookout for Labor Day.  This nice cookout was to be on our apartment porch... in the daytime.  Somebody should have said hey, you should deffinitely wait until night time so the smoke wouldn't be so visable.  This is a big deal only because having a grill on your porch is... lets say, looked down upon in North Carolina.  Regardless of the drama that we went through to get the burgers, they were dank.  Red Robin seasoning is the best!  Yes, you can buy it.  It is $3 at your local Red Robin.

Not only did we have a small cookout, it was a nice collection of people.  Old friends Michael and Raven were up from driving Gio from Indian Trail, back to Fayetteville.  I hadn't seen either of them in at least 6 months. 

Then of course, you should know on Tuesday we found out the amazing news that our little baby is a girl, but you know that ;)

<3 Tory


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