Wednesday, September 21, 2011

22 Weeks;

I am finally home from work, after sitting around 2 and a half hours after I got off.  Only because Caleb is out in the field and it's sad coming home to an apartment that is husbandless.  :'(  I should have just come home though, because while I did have nice conversation with my co workers, I ate entirely way to much.  I feel like I could explode.

On to the important things: 22 weeks!

My hair was not working with me today, stupid humidity.  I miss the whole temperature being in the low 60s thing that we had going on in the middle of last week.  -.-

Pregnancy wise though, nothing much else has been happening.  Like I mentioned in a previous post, the baby is kicking more often and harder.  My ribs have been hurting, when I sit in my desk at school and I am leaned forward slightly to look at my book or to write.. It sucks!  Definitly something I could do without. 

There is my update!  :D  Now, I must try to clean and then proceed to crash only to drag myself out of bed and go to school.  Good news is that Caleb should be home by the time I get home from school tomorrow!  And then an hour later, I have to go to work.  Ugh.

<3 Tory


BrandiH said...

Be prepared to never lean forward again. This is the point when your growing belly becomes your new table.

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