Thursday, September 1, 2011

Asia Is On My Side ;

That's right.  I said it.

I was looking at this Chinese Birth Calender, which is supposed to have a ridiculously high success rate and it said that Caleb and I were having a BOY! <3  His Korean step-mother had also channeled into her ancient Korean knowledge and thinks we are having a boy too.  (This was determined mid-July so it wasn't to to recent but still...  Hooray!

Anyway, the Chinese Birth Calender is pretty interesting.  It's this big chart, and you find your age that you will be when you are going to have the baby and then you find the month that you concieved the baby and BAM!  It has either a M or a F.  (For anybody that wants to check my chart using skills, I will be 20 and I concieved in late April.  Even if I am remembering wrong and I actually concieved in May, the little letter is still the same :) ) 

Regardless, we fill find out the real answer SOOOON :D

Until then, I have a lot of events to fill up my time to make it go faster.  Tomorrow I work in the morning and then I get to clean all day and run errands with the husband... maybe.  Either way I get to spend all my time with him because he has a four day for Labor Day!  Saturday, I work again and then have a dinner date with Helen.  Then Sunday I work in the morning again, and my friend Ashley is coming up and spending the night and then Monday Mrs. Patti will meet us here and visit.  :)  Hopefully I will have pictures of all of these events to share, since I am lacking tonight.  My apologies.  .... did I mention that my husband also has a four day this weekend ;) ! AHHH!  I am so excited about that. Seriously.

Baby movement update - Still nothing big.  I thought I felt a little one today.  But its so light.  I can't tell if it actually happened or if it is in my head because I want to feel something big so bad.  :(  It's honestly kind of making me paranoid that something has gone wrong.. I will be put at ease though on Tuesday when I see he or she move around.  I know that I may not feel anything for another week or so.  Ugh!

I hope everyone has a goodnight, it is bed time for me.  Gotta be rested to work in the morning so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Hah.

<3 Tory.


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