Friday, August 26, 2011

Natural Disaster? Time to Party ;

Or at least that has been my experience this year.  In April, when the tornado hit my area what did my husband and I do?  We grabbed all of the meat that was left in the fridge (because the power was out and we didn't want it to go bad), went to our friends house were it was swarmed with friends and alcohol.  I didn't get to drink however because I had to work the next morning... and I am turning slowly into a responsible old lady.  :(  No more extreme parties for me... Then today when I was asking my husband if he wanted anything specific from the grocery story, he informs me people want to have a Hurricane Party at our house... and grill out.  Hopefully the hurricane won't hit while we are cooking.  Hah!  I can't drink this time either because now I am pregnant.  Next natural disaster better not happen until I can drink again.

For now though, I will enjoy just prepping the house and being abnormally prepared for this little party.  I already went over board at the grocery store, and now I am cooking pasta and cleaning the house.

As for pregnant news, I have been feeling faint and dizzy every once and a while.  Then this morning I was feeling really out of it and and only really felt dizzy once.  It scares me though because when I used to get my periods in high school I would feel like that and then I would faint.  But then again, it would get worse before that happened.. I am still sensitive to the feeling.  AND a couple of the symptoms that I was supposed to go back to the ER was dizziness or faintness.  But, I'm not sure to what extreme they are talking about.  If this gets any worse, I am deffinitly going.  But for now, I will try to hydrate myself just in case dehydration is the cause... because I know they are going to suggest that as the cause first.

And remember the Tea Tree Shampoo I have been talking about?  Well I decided to show you a picture of it that way, if you wanted to get this heavenly goodness, you knew what it looked like.  You get it at Sally's Beauty Supply.  (That is the only place I have seen it.)

It's just as good as the actual Paul Mitchell brand, promise :)

Well, I have to finish cleaning for this Hurricane Party.

Ps, if anybody has any Halloween costume ideas that I can include my belly in... please suggest them.  I want to do something cool.  My fall back idea is a drunk redneck (my belly would be the beer belly, hehe).

<3 Tory


Michelle Brock said...

I was faint and dizzy while preggers as well, that's actually how I came to find out about little baby in my belly, it was from high blood pressure. :) and yes I am now obsessively reading all of this blog because I haven't until now. makes me miss you tons! :(

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