Wednesday, November 2, 2011

28 Weeks;

So, for the first time in what feels like forever I am here to give a proper weekly pregnancy post!  I have a picture and a thebump update and everything!  So, without further delay, here is my belly.  (It was pointed out at work the other day that I now have a baby BELLY and not a BUMP! Hahah)

Are you as shocked as I was when I saw this picture on the computer?  I didn't realize I had gotten that big!  I feel big, but not that big.  I guess my quick adjusting skills are coming in handy.

She is about 2 pounds!  That's crazy!  It seems like just last week she wasn't even a full pound.  This pregnancy is going by faster and faster.  She will only get bigger from here, and so will her pod!  Eek!  You can tell she is getting more squished too, because you remember how I mentioned you can see her little kicks?  Well, now you can see what looks like explosions.  My stomach will move up and down so fast with every little movement it seems like.  I swear I don't get tired of it either!  :D

My baby shower is coming up fast too!  This Saturday.  It's going to be crazy.  There are going to be probably over 30 people in my small apartment.  It went up so fast too, on Monday I was thinking about 20 people maybe a little under and now BOOM.  I didn't realize so many people would be able to make it.  I hope we all fit!  It will be fun regardless.  My mom is coming bright and early on Friday to help me take care of all the last minute things.  Thank goodness.  I hope everybody has fun!

On top of the excitment from that, I feel mostly caught up from everything that I got behind on housework wise.  The house is mostly clean, and the laundry is mostly done and the dishes are mostly done.  Granted all those mostlys don't seem like I got much done, but trust me.  I did.  And I am happy.  AND I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning at 820 in the morning.  A lonnnnng doctors appointment.  Because I have the regular check up, and then I have to do the test for gestational diabetes.  Which means I have to drink this sugar drink and it will be gross and then afterward wait in the waiting room that has NO signal and then get my blood drawn.  Ugh.

Wish me luck!

<3 Tory

Ps, I thought this was funny:
Now, if you don't know, Missy is my mom.  Facebook automatically tagged this.  So, apparently I have my moms facial features according to Facebook.  (You probaby won't think this is as funny as I do unless you are one of the readers that actually know me, and know my mom and its okay.)  :)


Sean Marie said...

You look great! It's so exciting how much babies grow in such a short amount of time, even though pregnancy feel like forever on some days.

BrandiH said...

I never got sick of watching my belly move! And I can't wait for it to start this time! The only hard part is when it's at night and all you want to do is sleep, but she's so active you can't.

You look great, good job on the house work, I always figure if everything is almost caught up I'm doing good.

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