Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Fail;


My mom got me this cool shirt :D
So, if you know me you will know that Halloween is my favorite holiday.  If you don't know me, you know this vital piece of information now, YAY!  This Halloween, I have failed myself.  Before, Caleb and I had planned to dress up as red necks or something easy and fun.  That ended up not happening though.  We didn't do much for Halloween except go out to the bar with Helen, Joey and our friends.  (YES!  Helen and her boyfriend came down this weekend to see me! <3 It was fun and exciting and they are coming down AGAIN next weekend for my baby shower!  Yay, yay, YAY!)  We should have dressed up for the bar though, there was a lot of people that did.  I was jealous.  :(

Anyway, I wanted to at least get a little dressed up tonight since it was ACTUALLY and pass out candy to all the cute little children in our apartment complex.  I had thought trick-or-treating was over the weekend, but everybody in Fayetteville on Facebook seemed to think it was tonight.  Anyway!  So, my husband got off work around 2 and we were going to go get some candy after our 1 hour and 10 minute nap.  This small cat nap turned into a lion nap of 4 hours.  We woke up around 730ish, there had be no banging on our door or ridiculous ringing of the door bell to bring candy anyway.  How depressing.  It had rained today and was stupid cold so parents probably kept their candy hungry monsters inside.

In attempt to make up for this massive fail, when we went grocery shopping after we woke up, I found some cool hats I had for Caleb and I to wear.  I was then transformed into a cat-human and Caleb was a wolf-human.  Genius.

That is as excited he would get about having his picture taken.  I promise he enjoyed wearing the hat and I didn't force it on him :D!

Now, it is time for bed.  I've got a lot of cleaning to do tomorrow STILL because for some odd and unknown reason it is impossible to get this apartment clean and then keep it that way.  Why?  I have no bloody idea.  

<3 Tory


Sean Marie said...

You and you hubby are so cute together!

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