Friday, October 28, 2011


Yes, thats right.  I have returned.  Hopefully to have a nice new little blog entry for you to read every other day instead of every five! Yes yes, you are welcome.  I know you were having trouble going on with your lives without your update of my life.  Just kidding.  :D

Now..  I don't even know where to start with this update.  I guess I will start with the return home and the exciting news that my father in law is doing much better.  He had his bandages taken off and it wasn't nowhere near as painful and tragic as we all had thought.  Great success!

The plane rides from Arkansas to Charlotte to Fayetteville went better than the ones to Arkansas.  Maybe it's because I wasn't lumped into a weird sleeping position with Caleb and then waking up with the feeling of my ribs slowly cracking under the pressure.  I actually had something to do this time.  Would you like to know what that something is?  Hats.  I made hats.  Well, I finished one hat and started on another with this cool little cheat knitting set that my brother in laws girlfriend got for me.  :)  I have a new obsession with these cheat knitting implements of destruction and crocheting.  I will post pictures of my creations eventually, they are glorious!

Our arrival home was bittersweet.  I was super happy to see my fur babies and be in our own little hovel.  However, we were both sad about how we were taking our first steps back into reality.  It was saddening.  What was even worse that is that OUR APARTMENT WAS FUCKING DESTROYED.  The Thursday before we left the apartment was immaculate. Ashley had cleaned the crap out of it while I did homework, and it was awesome.  I loved it.  The next day, we found out about Caleb's dad and after making all the arraignments to leave we went out to our favorite bar with the boys and played pool.  Boys slept over.  Did they clean up after themselves?  No.  I was slightly irritated.  Because now I have to do it.

Also, my lovely mother and her friend picked up our car from the shop so the shop would stop having aneurisms everyday even thought I explained that we had a family emergency and there is no way I could come pick up my car.  I was really thankful that they could do that, however, ...THERE IS A MELTED CANDY BAR ALL OVER THE SEAT  IN THE BACK OF MY CAR.  BAKING on my LEATHER seats that has been sitting there for... I have no idea how long.  Whose candy bar is it?  Not mine.  Not Caleb's.  Not my mom or her friends.  The candy bar isn't in a wrapper melted either.  It is just straight up melted.  No wrapper in sight.  Some asshole opened a fucking candy bar and left it in my back seat.  What. an. ass.

Ugh, yesterday was just not that great all around.  Today is slightly better.  I am getting some things caught up on/ relaxing a little before work.  So, hopefully by the end of the weekend my house will be back in order.  Maybe.  Helen and her boyfriend are coming up to visit.  That should be fun.  :)

Then next weekend is my baby shower.  Holy shit did that sneak up on me.  I have been slightly panicking about it while I was in Arkansas, thank goodness for my mom who has taken a huge bit of the load off of me.  I didn't even get all the invintations made and sent out.  Which sucks.  But.. I couldn't help it.  With the ones I did get sent out though, we will definitely have a stupid amount of people stuffed into my little apartment.  It should be fun!

Well, it is time to get back to cleaning and laundry.  I need to wash my work clothes still 0.0  eek!

<3 Tory


Sean Marie said...

Glad you're back. I know what you mean by it being hard to come back to every day responsibilities though. That's so strange about the candy bar! Whose was it? So strange. Have a great weekend. :)

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