Friday, October 21, 2011

Cool New Sweater;

The title has nothing to do with this post other than the post being about today and my step MIL gave me a cool new sweater.  It's dark green, and my stomach fits in it quite nicely.  :)  I dig it.

Other than that, last night me and Caleb went to Malvern Mall aka Walmart and we got a lot of neat things.  Like a little sweater scarf combo (that we have to take back today because my belly won't fit in it properly), some yarn for me to crochet (which we have to go back today and also get some more because I have already used the whole thing in less than 24 hours), and some pajama pants that fit AWESOME.  It was nice to get out and frolic about, during the night time hours.

I had a sudden urge to be creative yesterday and crochet, like I said, so I got the yarn with the intention on making a little beanie hat, which changed into a scarf, and is now changing into a remote holder for our couch.  The yarn matches the couch perfectly, and it has some black and darker brown specks in it so it looks really fancy.  I think I might make some matching coasters too.  Because I am crafty like that.  :p

Along with craftiness with yarn, Onchie was folding walmart/grocery backs into these little triangles to save space where she keeps the bags.  Genius?  Um,  yes.  I thought it was the coolest idea in a while to save some space.  It's time consuming to do, but.. I mean if you are board then why not do something useful?!  I am so going to do it to the millions of plastic bags we have at the apartment.  :D  I will post a picture up on a later entry so you can see exactly what I am talking about.  And also one of my crocheted creation.  Bwahah.

Fear me and my new found hobbies.

<3 Tory


Sean Marie said...

Good for you! I wish I were crafty. It's embarrassing when I attempt to even try making something.

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