Friday, December 2, 2011

Thought of the morning;

So, as I went about my morning catch up on Facebook time... I come across a status that made a comment about how this person didn't understand why people picked on gay people and that they were just like everybody else.  (This I agree with, and if you knew me, you would know I throughly support the LGBT population.)


The first comment on this guy's status was "So are black people but you don't like them." First of all... where the fuck...? And the girl who commented kept going on and on and on about how black people and "ghetto" people were equally discriminated against, and not all black people are ghetto.  Okay, this I understand.  BUT.  Why was race brought up in the first place?  The guy who posted the status (I know him from my high school days)  is not racist in the slightest, one of his best friends (or at least they were best friends, I think they have grown apart just by life's path) is black.  

Then after not liking the comment of ghetto people being associated with just blacks (which there ARE white ghetto people too, obviously, this we should all know.) she goes and lumps all southerners and rednecks with being white.  Isn't that the same as lumping black and ghetto people in the same category?  Granted.  You don't see a lot of your stereotypical "redneck" being black but...  they exist I am sure of it... just as your STEREOTYPICAL ghetto person is mostly thought of as black... but white ghetto people exist. 

Regardless of that, however-

I just don't understand why race has to be brought up at all, especially when the initial "status" had NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. -___- 

I mean, am I wrong here?  Last I heard is that everybody is equal, and it's just nobody likes ignorant people no matter what colour they are or where they came from.


Caleb told me what I was getting for Christmas :D  AND I AM SO EXCITED.  However, I will keep it a surprise for you guys.  And if you haven't noticed... we are horrible... almost incapable... about keeping secrets from each other.  Even good secrets, such as Christmas presents.  Oops :)

And and and I only have 7-9 work days left.  WOOOOO.

AND AND AND only 54 more days until KAYDEN'S ARRIVAL!  <3  

ANNNNDDDDD I have the best husband in the world because he surprised me with Waffle House in bed this morning!

<3 Tory


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