Thursday, December 22, 2011

Feelin' Crafty;

Update: I just wanted to point out (because I can't figure out how to make a link on my layout) that I have a formspring! If you want to ask any questions :D 

So as Caleb goes on a Skyrim binge, I was trying to figure out activities for me to do.  Perferably ones that didn't involve me leaving the couch.  Good thing our house is already clean, so I can do this and not feel guilty.  :D  As I go through the ideas in my head, I come up with a couple.

- Cleaning pointless pictures off my old Toshiba.  (I've had it for over four years now, imagine the amount of pictures.  Terrifying.)  I've got that about 80% done.
- Making notecards to memorize alcholic beverages for when hubs opens his bar.
- Making a Rouges Gallery. (This I will explain in a later post when I actually get started on it.  My mom has one for me, so I want to make one for Kayden... but amp it up a little!)
- Copying down a few recipes to put in the recipe box Caleb got me for Christmas.  (I got two  of the most vital ones copied down:  Hashbrown Cassarole and Orange Slice Cookies)

Now, after cleaning off some of my computer I have been fixated on alcoholic drinks and creating some sort of something for them.  So after poking around on the internet and thinking I have decided to create a massive drink recipe book.

Imagine those homemade scrapbook looking recipe books, now instead of it being filled with food it's now filled with alcoholic beverages.

Except in order for it to make the book, it has to be tried.  Then it can be documented with the recipe and fun pages.  I'd like to take a picture of the finished piece (the drink or shot or whatever) and then a picture of Caleb and I enjoying such beverage.  Then write comments or whatever.  And add stickers.  And glitter.  And fun things!  This way, when we do become bartenders/owner we will be even more knowledgeable... Even though we would have been anyway because we both do enjoy alcohol.  Hah.  But it will be in a fun little book. (maybe litte is an understatment... I plan on this thing being HUGE.)  That way maybe when Kayden and her brother/sisters are 21 they can look in the book and try drinks and add pictures and comments or whatever they want to.

What do you think?  Any ideas you can add to make this creation better?  I'm still thinking on it as I need to not be pregnant anymore to start on this book.  I also need to get crafty supplies and think about how I want to put it together and organize it and all that jazz.

Time to drag the husband off Skyrim (which is an amazing game by the way.  If you don't mind watching your significant other play video games for hours on end, I would deffinitly recommend it.  Or if you like playing games yourself!) and check the mail!  :D 

<3 Tory


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