Monday, October 3, 2011

2-4D Ultrasound Adventure;

Plus the rest of the weekend, and today.  We have lots to catch up on!

For starters, it is in fact, 2-4D Ultrasound Adventure time! :)  On Friday morning, Caleb and I went to this independent place that does ultrasound packages called Little Miracles. We got the package that did a over 30 minute ultrasound and we got a CD of pictures, 8 print outs, and a DVD of the actual ultrasound.  It was a litte place.  The buildings it was in kinda reminded me of where a Psychologists Office would be.  It shared a building with another business, surrounded by other buildings with businesses. 

When we walked inside, the waiting room was small, but the lady imediately knew who I was.  So after she got all our information and payment we went into the room where they did the ultrasound.  It was really nice!  It was big with a big screen TV and and a smaller TV off to the side that projected the ultrasound.

I thought it was amazing!  The picture was really fuzzy though because she was so far back in my stomach but she was snuggled in my pelvic bone at the same time it looked like.  Caleb was really disappointed that the ultrasound and the pictures came out to be so fuzzy.  We couldn't see a lot, but I enjoyed spending the time watching Kayden (seriously) play with her amblical cord and move around at the speed of a freaking rocket!  That little girl is quick!  She seems to enjoy the act of shuffling too.  It's funny :)  She also had the hiccups at one point too.  It was so cute.  I LOVED it.  Her heartbeat was 152 bpm, and a gender check was included so we made sure that she was indeed still a girl. Hahah.

Here are some pictures!! :

 We got 44 pictures in all in the CD, but these are my favorite ones!

After that excitment, we subjected ourselves to Caleb's company picnic.  It was a whole bunch of standing around outside.  But there was burgers and hotdogs and sumo wresting suits.  Which were pretty hilarious to watch people get in those things and detroy each other.  Well, attempt to.  There is only so much destruction that can happen in huge, fluffy sumo suits.

Afteward, everybody and their mother came to our apartment.  Because somebody declared that is were the party was.  Which was fine.  Until this girl got here.   You know those annoying drunk skanks that you often ran into at high school parties?  Yeah that was her.  Loud.  Stupid.  Bitchy.  Ugly. Whore-like.  Ugh.  She was from the streets apparently... the streets of Myrtle Beach.  Terrifying.  (I hope you can see the saracsm dripping off that word.)  Not to mention that her and the guy that brought her spent probably about 15-20 minutes in our guest bathroom, and didn't have sex......... Yeah, okay.  Eventually, she finally stormed out of the apartment and her and that guy argued in the parking lot for a while.  Then Caleb went out there and insisted that somebody else drive them back to the barracks... 30 minutes later... Gut is driving his truck and me and Caleb are following so we can save Gut afterward.  AH!

Saturday and Sunday were full of a stupid amount of people coming to Red Robin to eat. Saturday night we went to our friends house and ate dinner (It was freaking delicious.  I really need to broaden my cooking abilities.) And Sunday I saw a long lost friend eating there though!  Her name is Dana, and I miss her!  I hadn't seen her in forever it seems like.  She is moving back down to the area sometime soon and I can't wait! :D

Finally, today!  I went to school and because the teacher forgot her book we got out early... after a extra credit quiz. Score!  Then Emma and Boyd (My lovely grandparents from my moms side!) came down around 530, because she accidently forgot they were coming down this morning.  I am really glad I got to see them though!  They came bearing baby clothes!  The clothes were SO cute.  I loved them all, they did amazing.  Everything I could have picked out myself they picked out.  I was so excited :D! Kayden is going to be the nicest dressed baby in the world!  We also went to eat out at Olive Garden, which was so good.  <3  Such a good day!  Now to clean and work on some more baby shower invites!  (Yes, I am stillll making them.  Ugh!)  I'm a little over half way done though.

How was yalls weekend?!  I hope it was as full of fun things as mine!  Or full of relaxation :D

<3 Tory


Sean Marie said...

That's so cool that you did it! I bet it was really amazing to see your baby be so active, even if it wasn't the clearest shots. I can't believe how ultrasound techs can make out body parts and organs on the 2-D machines. I was like, "Are you sure we're having a girl?" because it all looks like a bunch of blobs to me. That's really gross about that girl and guy in your bathroom. I hope you disinfected everything. Ew, skanks.

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