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January 14th 2012 is the day that my beautiful daughter was born. A gift that came to Caleb and I 11 days early! (Today was her due date!) She was born at 5:57 in the morning at 7lb 9oz and 21.2 inches long!
New family <3 |
Labor started on the 12th around 4pm as just a crampy feeling and progressively got worse through the night. When back labor also set in. Around 7ish in the morning I believe we went to the hospital to see if this was it. We found out that I was now 100% thinned out and I was only dialated 1-2. So of course I got sent back home, with instructions to not come back until the contractions were closer together and worse or if my water breaks. When we got home, Caleb took care of me while I whined and moaned and was completely miserable.
Pure misery. |
At some point my mom got there and stayed with us that day then later on we thought my water broke because I was leaking a little bit of fluids... I believe it was around 6pm or so... so at this point I have been in some kind of pain for over 24 hours so we went back to the hopsital just to find out that it wasn't my water that broke. After waiting TWO HOURS to be seen. They released me by giving me an ambien so that maybe I could actually sleep. Honestly... I don't remember if I was any more dialated at this point...
When we got home, Caleb tried tucking me in on the couch and let me tell you... something about that ambien didn't set with me well. I felt messed up and panicky. Which led to me literally diving off the couch on to the floor. I didn't hurt myself or anything, but it was an odd sight to see I am sure. Long story short I ended up in a bath, where I slept for about 45 minutes until my water broke and it was off to the hospital! This time to finally get admitted.
Skipping forward, to the more important parts -
Hubs being supportive as usual :) |
They finally moved me into the birthing room around 1am or so and I got an epidural not long after followed by potocin to speed up the process because Kayden's heart rate kept shooting down. Only really doing this when I wasn't on my right side, so I was on my right side pretty much the whole time. Even during about 75% of the pushing stage. I was only pushing for about an hour because I started at 5am and she was born at 5:57am! They said I did pretty awesome because she was born "sunny side up" and usually it takes longer to push those babies out... also her ambilical cord was wrapped around her whole body. They suspected that as the cause for her heart rate to continuously decel.
When she was finally out and they laid her on my stomach, I had the most amazing feeling. It was crazy that this little human just came out of me and was laying on my stomach. I thought she was beautiful! Even with her extreme lop-sided cone head :p
About an hour afterwards! |
Being a parent has gotten easier. Everything was new to me. Before Kayden I had rarely held babies. Never changed a diaper, changed baby clothes, really did anything. Especially with a newborn. When we came home from the hospital, I was a psychopath when it came to her. I was so careful and so paranoid something would happen to her when I wasn't looking... or was sleeping. But in these past two weeks, I've gotten less pyscho and actually sleep better. Kayden was pre-programed with a wake up every 3-4 hours to get fed, diaper changed, and snuggled. It's pretty amazing!
Wow, congratulations guys! I'm so happy for you. I remember the day I gave birth. It was amazing. As much pain as I was in I still kinda wish I could go back and experience it again. I know there's nothing quite like the birth of your first child. I can't believe they gave you an ambien though. I was prescribed that shit before pregnancy and it messed me up. Like hardcore drugs (not that I've taken hard drugs) but it was intense. I'd do things without even remembering the next day. Anyway, congratulations again. She is beautiful and I know you're stoked! Sending so much love your way!!!!
I've been waiting for this post! Congratulations!!! I think birth is the most amazing experience ever. My husband tells me all the time that if he was a woman he'd never have kids having seen what we go through. If only he knew how worth that feeling of your newborn being laid on your belly is.
She is beautiful!
Congratulations! She's gorgeous :)
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