Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Fail;


My mom got me this cool shirt :D
So, if you know me you will know that Halloween is my favorite holiday.  If you don't know me, you know this vital piece of information now, YAY!  This Halloween, I have failed myself.  Before, Caleb and I had planned to dress up as red necks or something easy and fun.  That ended up not happening though.  We didn't do much for Halloween except go out to the bar with Helen, Joey and our friends.  (YES!  Helen and her boyfriend came down this weekend to see me! <3 It was fun and exciting and they are coming down AGAIN next weekend for my baby shower!  Yay, yay, YAY!)  We should have dressed up for the bar though, there was a lot of people that did.  I was jealous.  :(

Anyway, I wanted to at least get a little dressed up tonight since it was ACTUALLY and pass out candy to all the cute little children in our apartment complex.  I had thought trick-or-treating was over the weekend, but everybody in Fayetteville on Facebook seemed to think it was tonight.  Anyway!  So, my husband got off work around 2 and we were going to go get some candy after our 1 hour and 10 minute nap.  This small cat nap turned into a lion nap of 4 hours.  We woke up around 730ish, there had be no banging on our door or ridiculous ringing of the door bell to bring candy anyway.  How depressing.  It had rained today and was stupid cold so parents probably kept their candy hungry monsters inside.

In attempt to make up for this massive fail, when we went grocery shopping after we woke up, I found some cool hats I had for Caleb and I to wear.  I was then transformed into a cat-human and Caleb was a wolf-human.  Genius.

That is as excited he would get about having his picture taken.  I promise he enjoyed wearing the hat and I didn't force it on him :D!

Now, it is time for bed.  I've got a lot of cleaning to do tomorrow STILL because for some odd and unknown reason it is impossible to get this apartment clean and then keep it that way.  Why?  I have no bloody idea.  

<3 Tory

Friday, October 28, 2011


Yes, thats right.  I have returned.  Hopefully to have a nice new little blog entry for you to read every other day instead of every five! Yes yes, you are welcome.  I know you were having trouble going on with your lives without your update of my life.  Just kidding.  :D

Now..  I don't even know where to start with this update.  I guess I will start with the return home and the exciting news that my father in law is doing much better.  He had his bandages taken off and it wasn't nowhere near as painful and tragic as we all had thought.  Great success!

The plane rides from Arkansas to Charlotte to Fayetteville went better than the ones to Arkansas.  Maybe it's because I wasn't lumped into a weird sleeping position with Caleb and then waking up with the feeling of my ribs slowly cracking under the pressure.  I actually had something to do this time.  Would you like to know what that something is?  Hats.  I made hats.  Well, I finished one hat and started on another with this cool little cheat knitting set that my brother in laws girlfriend got for me.  :)  I have a new obsession with these cheat knitting implements of destruction and crocheting.  I will post pictures of my creations eventually, they are glorious!

Our arrival home was bittersweet.  I was super happy to see my fur babies and be in our own little hovel.  However, we were both sad about how we were taking our first steps back into reality.  It was saddening.  What was even worse that is that OUR APARTMENT WAS FUCKING DESTROYED.  The Thursday before we left the apartment was immaculate. Ashley had cleaned the crap out of it while I did homework, and it was awesome.  I loved it.  The next day, we found out about Caleb's dad and after making all the arraignments to leave we went out to our favorite bar with the boys and played pool.  Boys slept over.  Did they clean up after themselves?  No.  I was slightly irritated.  Because now I have to do it.

Also, my lovely mother and her friend picked up our car from the shop so the shop would stop having aneurisms everyday even thought I explained that we had a family emergency and there is no way I could come pick up my car.  I was really thankful that they could do that, however, ...THERE IS A MELTED CANDY BAR ALL OVER THE SEAT  IN THE BACK OF MY CAR.  BAKING on my LEATHER seats that has been sitting there for... I have no idea how long.  Whose candy bar is it?  Not mine.  Not Caleb's.  Not my mom or her friends.  The candy bar isn't in a wrapper melted either.  It is just straight up melted.  No wrapper in sight.  Some asshole opened a fucking candy bar and left it in my back seat.  What. an. ass.

Ugh, yesterday was just not that great all around.  Today is slightly better.  I am getting some things caught up on/ relaxing a little before work.  So, hopefully by the end of the weekend my house will be back in order.  Maybe.  Helen and her boyfriend are coming up to visit.  That should be fun.  :)

Then next weekend is my baby shower.  Holy shit did that sneak up on me.  I have been slightly panicking about it while I was in Arkansas, thank goodness for my mom who has taken a huge bit of the load off of me.  I didn't even get all the invintations made and sent out.  Which sucks.  But.. I couldn't help it.  With the ones I did get sent out though, we will definitely have a stupid amount of people stuffed into my little apartment.  It should be fun!

Well, it is time to get back to cleaning and laundry.  I need to wash my work clothes still 0.0  eek!

<3 Tory

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cool New Sweater;

The title has nothing to do with this post other than the post being about today and my step MIL gave me a cool new sweater.  It's dark green, and my stomach fits in it quite nicely.  :)  I dig it.

Other than that, last night me and Caleb went to Malvern Mall aka Walmart and we got a lot of neat things.  Like a little sweater scarf combo (that we have to take back today because my belly won't fit in it properly), some yarn for me to crochet (which we have to go back today and also get some more because I have already used the whole thing in less than 24 hours), and some pajama pants that fit AWESOME.  It was nice to get out and frolic about, during the night time hours.

I had a sudden urge to be creative yesterday and crochet, like I said, so I got the yarn with the intention on making a little beanie hat, which changed into a scarf, and is now changing into a remote holder for our couch.  The yarn matches the couch perfectly, and it has some black and darker brown specks in it so it looks really fancy.  I think I might make some matching coasters too.  Because I am crafty like that.  :p

Along with craftiness with yarn, Onchie was folding walmart/grocery backs into these little triangles to save space where she keeps the bags.  Genius?  Um,  yes.  I thought it was the coolest idea in a while to save some space.  It's time consuming to do, but.. I mean if you are board then why not do something useful?!  I am so going to do it to the millions of plastic bags we have at the apartment.  :D  I will post a picture up on a later entry so you can see exactly what I am talking about.  And also one of my crocheted creation.  Bwahah.

Fear me and my new found hobbies.

<3 Tory

Thursday, October 20, 2011

26 week update a day late :)

Due to my lack of my own and inability to upload pictures at the moment, this post will be lacking in that arena.  So, for that, I apologize.  Also, I apologize for the lack of posts!  I promise I still have not forgotten or lost interest!  I just haven't had the time to update or I was just spending time with family so I decided to put it off.

Now, at 26 weeks, I am feeling glorious.  Well, asides from the taking AGES to fall asleep because I cannot get comfortable.  This mass on the front of my body really enjoys getting in the way of my sleep, but when I feel my little girl beating up my insides it makes it worth it.  I will thoroughly enjoy being able to sleep on my stomach again when she is out though!  Also, like I have mentioned I am sure, she is enjoying making a nest in my ribs.  That is uncomfortable, but I just stretch or create a post to lean on out of Caleb and she will usually move.  :)

And!  You can now see when she kicks from the outside of my stomach!  I can't remember if i mentioned that in my last post, but it is crazy!  I love when I can catch it happening!  Caleb hasn't been able to see it yet, but I'm sure he will be able to see her in action soon.  She is only getting bigger and bigger after all.  :D

Other than those things, nothing else that is new has happened with this pregnancy.  I'm just easily gliding on through my second trimester!  My only concern being getting my baby shower put together.  I feel so unorganized.  My mom is taking on a lot of it, because despite my efforts... I am just not a good party planner.  I am more of a "Hey, come over to my house and I will give you food and you spend time with me and let me take a lot of pictures of your beautiful face but you will need to entertain yourself."  When it comes to having a schedule of how things should run or putting together things to entertain people... I suck.  I suck really bad.  I expect my friends and family to be able to feel at home when they are at my house so that I don't have to wait on their every need.  Bad hostessing skills?  Maybe.  Not that I wasn't taught right, I just like to force everyone to feel at home.

Caleb and I are still in Arkansas with my father-in-law.  He is doing so much better that when we first got here, which is amazing!  Monday he has an appointment to check on how his burns are doing and so, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers on Monday!  He will need it.  For now though, we made chili this morning while Caleb and Onchi (My step mother-in-law; pronounced "On-gie") took Chris (brother-in-law) to the airport for his early departure.  His girlfriend got in a car accident, but she is okay though, thank goodness!  Asides from being sore and tired.  

At home, things are going well too, but they could be terrible for us too.  Come to find out, when my mom when to go check on my little furry babies... OUR PORCH DOOR WAS OPEN.  Wtf.  I'm so happy we live on the second floor otherwise the kittens could have escaped, we could have gotten robbed, a dog could have came in and killed the kittens if they didn't escape, or a number of other scenarios could have happened.  Needless to say, wifey was not happy.  I am still pissed.  I don't think I am going to be able to let anybody stay in the house if we are not there for a long time.  I even had my mom lock our porch door so when the boys try to break in when they get home from the field, they won't be able to get in.  And yes, you read that right, our friends have found a way to break into our apartment.  They climb like spider monkies.

I hope yall are having a wonderful week :)

<3 Tory

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Where Did the Days Go?

Well, I never updated as I promised obviously. Even with this update, I am doing it through my phone so it will be brief... Hopefully after this week I will be able to get back on track!

Caleb's 21st birthday on the 8th was a success. :) After two failed attempts of finding a bar, the first our dear friend got kicked out then told not to come back after he threw a cone into the parking lot. But eventually we landed somewhere. Lets just say his friends and the people at our new spot, Jumpers, ensured that he thoroughly got a taste of his new age. Haha.

My friend Ashley came to visit and was here until Thursday. We had fun :) It was nice to have somebody their after the boys went into the field Wednesday. Only down side is that my motivation for school was nonexistent. Oops. :/

Wednesday, I am 25 weeks. :)

Thursday, my Nana and Paw came into town on their way to theire yearly Outer Banks trip. They stayed in their RV on a campground and I spent the night with them.

Then yesterday, I found out my father-in-law was in the hospital for 2nd-3rd degree burns :( I quickly called out of work for the weekend (turned into all of this week and next weekend) and then Caleb got us plane tickets for this morning. I am thankful my work was able to work with me on letting me get out of work. :) My FIL is doing well now, they let him out of the hospital so we just have to help him because he is in pain and can't use his arms. :(

So because of all these events, I hope you will excuse my lack of posts!

Until next time, whenever that is-

<3 Tory
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Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have been horribe these past couple of days.  I don't even remember when my last post was, but I promise you are not forgotten!  I have just been really busy.

This face is what I have been aiming to please this weekend.  Would you like to know why?!  It is my hubs 21st BIRTHDAY! Hooray!  So, this weekend it's all about this sexy piece of work.  :)

21st Birthday Mugshot
So, the next REAL post.  You will be reading a lot of things revolving around the most amazing husband/person/companioin/best friend/etc.  So.. PREPARE YOURSELF!

<3 Tory

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

24 Weeks;

I was looking at when I was grabbing off the weekly statistics of baby and I saw that leg cramps were one of the symptoms.  Oh. My. God. I HATE THOSE THINGS.  Do/Did yall get those demon pains?  I thought that stupid nerve in my back/butt was painful, but leg cramps are worse.  A couple days ago, I guess I stretched in myself and I was viciously jerked out of my deep sleep, sat up with lighting speed (which is insane because its not easy anymore), and grabbed my leg to make sure it wasn't being ripped off because that is exactly what it felt like.  It was horrible.  I hope that it never happens again.  But apparently it was due to dehydration, so if you are pregnant and you have never experienced it... PLEASE, FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!  DRINK WATER! LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER!

Other than demon leg cramp, stupid back nerves, and rib twitches; I don't really have any negative symptoms.  I am not compaining though!  :D  I don't think that my stomach is growing as rapidly as it was.  I don't feel any bigger, Caleb says I don't look like I am growing like I was. Which is okay, I guess that gives me a chance to get this little tums all stretchy and moisturized for the next growth spurt.  I am so slack about putting lotion on my stomach, but I have stayed lucky! :D

These weeks are flying by!  :)  I am excited, I am enjoying the pregnancy but I am so ready to meet my little girl!

I still haven't mailed any freaking invites out, I am failing so bad.  I had planned to do that today, but I got a couple more addresses so I was going to wait and get those invites made and enveloped and send them out with the first load of invites.  Ugh.  I am so excited about this baby shower!

Well, it is bedtime!  (Look at me procrastinating still. -.-)  Goodnight all!

<3 Tory

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dark Belly Line;

I am getting it!  I forgot what it is actually called, and I am to lazy right now to look it up.. but it is there!  It's really faint, but you can definitely see it.  I discovered it when I was looking at my stomach in the mirror last night.  (Yes, I study my stomach.  I can't help it, its so new to have a giant growth at the front of my body!)  And just incase this crosses your mind, its not hair.  If you were to see it for yourself, you will see that my actual *skin* is changing colors in that line!

This also features my creep belly button, in all its new deformedness.

And finally, as promised oh so long ago, here is a picture of my beautiful baby shower invintations! <3  I put some hard blood, sweat, and tears into these!  Well.. maybe not all of those things.. but I did put a lot of effort into them :)

The patches differ from card to card, and I chose to
keep the front blank otherwise.  I like it better that way.

And the inside!  The top if you can't read it says:
"Come join us, in celebration of Our New Little Pun'kin"

I'm so proud of them!  I am finally mailing off part of them tomorrow!  I still have to make a couple more and get a couple more addresses.  But!  After that I will finally have them sent out and be happy and not have to worry about it.

Speaking of the baby shower, I got some decorations today.  I went to wal-mart for stickers and I walked out with stickers, cute pumpkin center pieces (Not jack-o-lantern type, but just cute ceramic pumpkins), pumpkin plates and napkins, this pumpkin thing that I can hang on our door or inside somewhere, and also other litte pumpkin table center pieces just incase.  (The second choice center pieces were super cheep.)

It is now bedtime.  I am already two hours behind my schedule that I am trying to get myself on.  But Gio and Gut came over for a little while and kept me company.  Or they talked to me while we ate subway and then they watched TV while I worked on the invites.

Goodnight world!

<3 Tory

Monday, October 3, 2011

2-4D Ultrasound Adventure;

Plus the rest of the weekend, and today.  We have lots to catch up on!

For starters, it is in fact, 2-4D Ultrasound Adventure time! :)  On Friday morning, Caleb and I went to this independent place that does ultrasound packages called Little Miracles. We got the package that did a over 30 minute ultrasound and we got a CD of pictures, 8 print outs, and a DVD of the actual ultrasound.  It was a litte place.  The buildings it was in kinda reminded me of where a Psychologists Office would be.  It shared a building with another business, surrounded by other buildings with businesses. 

When we walked inside, the waiting room was small, but the lady imediately knew who I was.  So after she got all our information and payment we went into the room where they did the ultrasound.  It was really nice!  It was big with a big screen TV and and a smaller TV off to the side that projected the ultrasound.

I thought it was amazing!  The picture was really fuzzy though because she was so far back in my stomach but she was snuggled in my pelvic bone at the same time it looked like.  Caleb was really disappointed that the ultrasound and the pictures came out to be so fuzzy.  We couldn't see a lot, but I enjoyed spending the time watching Kayden (seriously) play with her amblical cord and move around at the speed of a freaking rocket!  That little girl is quick!  She seems to enjoy the act of shuffling too.  It's funny :)  She also had the hiccups at one point too.  It was so cute.  I LOVED it.  Her heartbeat was 152 bpm, and a gender check was included so we made sure that she was indeed still a girl. Hahah.

Here are some pictures!! :

 We got 44 pictures in all in the CD, but these are my favorite ones!

After that excitment, we subjected ourselves to Caleb's company picnic.  It was a whole bunch of standing around outside.  But there was burgers and hotdogs and sumo wresting suits.  Which were pretty hilarious to watch people get in those things and detroy each other.  Well, attempt to.  There is only so much destruction that can happen in huge, fluffy sumo suits.

Afteward, everybody and their mother came to our apartment.  Because somebody declared that is were the party was.  Which was fine.  Until this girl got here.   You know those annoying drunk skanks that you often ran into at high school parties?  Yeah that was her.  Loud.  Stupid.  Bitchy.  Ugly. Whore-like.  Ugh.  She was from the streets apparently... the streets of Myrtle Beach.  Terrifying.  (I hope you can see the saracsm dripping off that word.)  Not to mention that her and the guy that brought her spent probably about 15-20 minutes in our guest bathroom, and didn't have sex......... Yeah, okay.  Eventually, she finally stormed out of the apartment and her and that guy argued in the parking lot for a while.  Then Caleb went out there and insisted that somebody else drive them back to the barracks... 30 minutes later... Gut is driving his truck and me and Caleb are following so we can save Gut afterward.  AH!

Saturday and Sunday were full of a stupid amount of people coming to Red Robin to eat. Saturday night we went to our friends house and ate dinner (It was freaking delicious.  I really need to broaden my cooking abilities.) And Sunday I saw a long lost friend eating there though!  Her name is Dana, and I miss her!  I hadn't seen her in forever it seems like.  She is moving back down to the area sometime soon and I can't wait! :D

Finally, today!  I went to school and because the teacher forgot her book we got out early... after a extra credit quiz. Score!  Then Emma and Boyd (My lovely grandparents from my moms side!) came down around 530, because she accidently forgot they were coming down this morning.  I am really glad I got to see them though!  They came bearing baby clothes!  The clothes were SO cute.  I loved them all, they did amazing.  Everything I could have picked out myself they picked out.  I was so excited :D! Kayden is going to be the nicest dressed baby in the world!  We also went to eat out at Olive Garden, which was so good.  <3  Such a good day!  Now to clean and work on some more baby shower invites!  (Yes, I am stillll making them.  Ugh!)  I'm a little over half way done though.

How was yalls weekend?!  I hope it was as full of fun things as mine!  Or full of relaxation :D

<3 Tory

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A-Z of ME! :D

I realize that I have been slacking the past couple of days, but I have been super busy.  So, I will give you this A-Z of me post to entertain you until tomorrow when I will give you a super long post.  Hooray!  I would post tonight, however, I MUST dedicate every second that I am not working or stuffing my face with food or getting some husband snuggle time to finishing these baby shower invintations.. The deadline I set for myself was yesterday -.-

A. Age: 20.
B. Bed size: Queen!  It still doesn't seem big enough.  When the hubs and I get a real house, we need to invest in a King.  For real.
C. Chore that you hate: Hm. Everything.  I hate cleaning.  But I am trying to get better!  If I had pick one though, I guess laundry.  I am forever behind in laundry.
D. Dogs: We want a puppy :)  We are going to get one after Caleb comes back from deployment!
E. Essential start to your day: Receive kiss from husband, get up, pee, feed cats, feed self.
F. Favourite color: Cyan, specifically.  Blue, generally.
G. Gold or Silver: Silver/ White gold.. They look the same to me.
H. Height: 5' 7".  I wish I was a little shorter though.
I. Instruments you play: I used to play drums in middle school :D  Attempted guitar in high school, and I just didn't pick up that musical gene. :'(
J. Job title: Red Robin Hostess and Human Pod.
K. Kids: Kayden Jade - still baking.
L. Live: North Carolina. 
M. Mother's name: Amanda.
N. Nicknames: Tory... T-MONEY! (Only at Red Robin though.)
O. Overnight hospital stays: The ER visits might as well have been overnight visits. -.-
P. Pet peeve: People being STUPID.  USE YOUR COMMON SENSE.  Oh, and people being mean to the people that HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR FOOD, YOU JERK OFF.  Fuck you, go home and make your own food.  WE ARE NOT SERVANTS, YOU ASSHOLES ARE OUR FIRST PRIORITY, CHIIIIIILLLL.
Q. Quote from a movie: Usually there is one floating around the house, but it's just been a u-tube video quote lately so.. will that work!?  "So, we jigglin errr?"  (My mush brain can't come up with anything else.)
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: None.  I am a loner.  D:
T. Time you wake up: I'm forced to wake up around 8, usually.
U. Underwear: I wear them on the occasion.
V. Vegetable you hate: The nasty kind.
W. What makes you run late: Being myself.
X. X-Rays you've had: None!  Unless the teeth ones count?!
Y. Yummy food that you make: Nothing, I suck at cooking.  Actually, I do make hash brown casserole.  It's pretty freaking delicious.

I hope you all have a good day :) Wish me luck on the whole, getting crafty projects done.  I really need it.

<3 Tory