Wednesday, August 31, 2011

19 weeks ;

We are almost half way there!  So excited!  And we are LESS than a week away from knowing the sex of our wee one!  I cannot wait!  Then hopefully we can land on a name and start calling it a name, and refering to it as he or she!  Caleb is super excited too.  It's so adorable.  I have the best husband in the world.. he is going to be such a wonderful and loving daddy.  I CAN'T WAIT!  :D

So, as usual, here is the lovely 19 weeks picture:

I was bummin' it today :)

My belly just keeps getting bigger!  Ah!  I want to see when I am 30 weeks how big I will be.  I've had a combination of people telling me that I am really tiny, or really big for how pregnant I am.  So, I really have no idea.  And my doctors (Yes, its still plural.  I swear, if I just happen to get pregnant again before Caleb gets out.. I am getting referred OFF post.  I'm tempted to do it now.  One more strike and I am OVER this shit.)  really don't tell me a whole lot.  Last doctors appointment, I heard the heartbeat - which was wonderful, don't get me wrong - but they didn't measure my belly or anything.   Aren't they supposed to do things like that?!  I wouldn't know.

My belly button is feeling the pain of this whole tummy getting bigger, already.  Not that I really expected anyone to be able to tell with the pictures I am about to put up.. but if you happen to have known me pre-pregnancy and know what my belly button looked like maybe you will be able to tell... It's stretching out and starting to pop outwards.  It's not an "outie" yet, but its deff not as in as it used to be.  It's nuts.

Maybe you can tell?  You can sort of tell I am pregnant from
the front too.  :D

Can you tell now!?  I hope so. 
Still no definite fetal movements yet.  :(  I'm still despretely wishing it would happen already.  At least on Tuesday I will get to see he or she moving around :)  Everytime I've had an ultrasound it's dancing around.  Caleb says it is shufflin.  Hahah.  Between Caleb and I, this baby should have some sick dance moves.  But not really, because we dance like we are ridiculously caucasion. At least Caleb has some rhythm though :)

This is all for today, I will spare you the details of the woes in my life.  (School and work.)  Except for this non woe filled detail: I had Taco Bell tonight.  And it was fucking awesome.  The end.

<3, Tory.


HelBell said...

Oh man! I love your belly!!!

Tory said...

Aw, thanks :) I love it too. Especially what is inside!

HelBell said...

I showed my momma that picture. She's pretty impressed with your belly. She wanted to know how much weight you've gained so far. When she was pregnant with Cory she gained one pound and 24 with me, but she was very sick with Cory.

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