Wednesday, August 31, 2011

19 weeks ;

We are almost half way there!  So excited!  And we are LESS than a week away from knowing the sex of our wee one!  I cannot wait!  Then hopefully we can land on a name and start calling it a name, and refering to it as he or she!  Caleb is super excited too.  It's so adorable.  I have the best husband in the world.. he is going to be such a wonderful and loving daddy.  I CAN'T WAIT!  :D

So, as usual, here is the lovely 19 weeks picture:

I was bummin' it today :)

My belly just keeps getting bigger!  Ah!  I want to see when I am 30 weeks how big I will be.  I've had a combination of people telling me that I am really tiny, or really big for how pregnant I am.  So, I really have no idea.  And my doctors (Yes, its still plural.  I swear, if I just happen to get pregnant again before Caleb gets out.. I am getting referred OFF post.  I'm tempted to do it now.  One more strike and I am OVER this shit.)  really don't tell me a whole lot.  Last doctors appointment, I heard the heartbeat - which was wonderful, don't get me wrong - but they didn't measure my belly or anything.   Aren't they supposed to do things like that?!  I wouldn't know.

My belly button is feeling the pain of this whole tummy getting bigger, already.  Not that I really expected anyone to be able to tell with the pictures I am about to put up.. but if you happen to have known me pre-pregnancy and know what my belly button looked like maybe you will be able to tell... It's stretching out and starting to pop outwards.  It's not an "outie" yet, but its deff not as in as it used to be.  It's nuts.

Maybe you can tell?  You can sort of tell I am pregnant from
the front too.  :D

Can you tell now!?  I hope so. 
Still no definite fetal movements yet.  :(  I'm still despretely wishing it would happen already.  At least on Tuesday I will get to see he or she moving around :)  Everytime I've had an ultrasound it's dancing around.  Caleb says it is shufflin.  Hahah.  Between Caleb and I, this baby should have some sick dance moves.  But not really, because we dance like we are ridiculously caucasion. At least Caleb has some rhythm though :)

This is all for today, I will spare you the details of the woes in my life.  (School and work.)  Except for this non woe filled detail: I had Taco Bell tonight.  And it was fucking awesome.  The end.

<3, Tory.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

All I Can Think About is Food ;

Seriously, I could have just ate something and I already want to make something else eat.  It's ridiculous.  If this keeps up I am going to gain a shit ton of weight.  Yesterday however, I decided to make a cake for the husband :)  So this solved the urge to make food.  And I've only had a peice of it so far.  He will end up eating it majority of it anyway, because I can't eat a lot of sweets without getting sick.  Seemed like a good plan, and he liked it.  I even decorated it!

Best decorating skills of the century, right? :p


Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Weekend Has To End Sometime ;

The hurricane party didn't end up being much of a party.  It was more of a nice get together full of video games, which is fine.  I'm glad there was no outrageousness... less to clean ;)  I didn't get any pictures either, except a couple of Caleb (outfit number one, out of three) and I.

Look how cute we are, we match.  :)
 But then it became clear that Caleb couldn't handle our awesome matching outfits, and proceeded to make this face:

Stank face at its finest.  It makes me lol.
Then yesterday, I got a lovely package from Nana!  Complete with Wedding presents, a Nana original prayer shawl, baby blanket, and ear rings, and a Rachel Ray cookbook.  (Which I am determined to use, watch out world!) Caleb and I went out to eat at a Japanese Steakhouse with the Wedding present money.  It was fucking delicious, I had being craving that stuff for a couple days.  My leftovers created 3 different meals.  :)  Hooray!  Then after our lovely dinner, we went to see Our Idiot Brother, which was such a good movie!  I think I have come to the conclustion that Paul Rudd is seriously one of my favorite actors.

At work, today was actually good.  I only wanted to punch one smart ass in the face.  Seriously, people.  If I say there are no booths for you and your two friends.  Please don't proceed to point out all the two seater booths and ask if you can sit there.  No, you won't fit douche.  They ended up asking to sit at a 6-7 seater corner booth.  I don't understand what posesses people to be such smartasses.  If you know everything, why don't YOU be the host and I will go home and do the other things I need to do.  Or, how about you sit in a much comfier booth called YOUR COUCH, and fuck off.  :)

Now, me and the hubs are sitting on the couch watching the VMAs.  Which haven't impressed me much so far.  Lady Gaga's opening act was cool, but I was expecting... something more I guess.  She still did a good job.  Before the VMAs we were watching Jersey Shore *finally* after our nice giant living room TV wouldn't play the whole MTV channel we chill in our room and watched it.  I was disappointed.  They built something completely unworth it up.  It was still dramatic and delicious, but still I was expecting MORE.  -.-  I wanted to see "The Situation" get his face punched in, not run into a fucking wall.  What an idiot.

However, I just saw those Soul Hamsters... and they were shuffling.  Which completely made up for every disappointment I had in my viewing experience tonight so far.

Tummy update;  My belly has been twitching.  I don't know what that means though?  Its like when your eye twitches... its so fast!  I think I have been feeling squirms too, but I still am not sure.  Everytime I think I feel it, I can't tell if I felt it inside my stomach or if it is how the cover is folded in the same spot or my shirt is crinkled.  :(  I WANT DEFFINITE KICKS, WEE BABE.  PLEEEEEEEASE.


This cat ain't no joke.  She not afraid to cut a bitch.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Natural Disaster? Time to Party ;

Or at least that has been my experience this year.  In April, when the tornado hit my area what did my husband and I do?  We grabbed all of the meat that was left in the fridge (because the power was out and we didn't want it to go bad), went to our friends house were it was swarmed with friends and alcohol.  I didn't get to drink however because I had to work the next morning... and I am turning slowly into a responsible old lady.  :(  No more extreme parties for me... Then today when I was asking my husband if he wanted anything specific from the grocery story, he informs me people want to have a Hurricane Party at our house... and grill out.  Hopefully the hurricane won't hit while we are cooking.  Hah!  I can't drink this time either because now I am pregnant.  Next natural disaster better not happen until I can drink again.

For now though, I will enjoy just prepping the house and being abnormally prepared for this little party.  I already went over board at the grocery store, and now I am cooking pasta and cleaning the house.

As for pregnant news, I have been feeling faint and dizzy every once and a while.  Then this morning I was feeling really out of it and and only really felt dizzy once.  It scares me though because when I used to get my periods in high school I would feel like that and then I would faint.  But then again, it would get worse before that happened.. I am still sensitive to the feeling.  AND a couple of the symptoms that I was supposed to go back to the ER was dizziness or faintness.  But, I'm not sure to what extreme they are talking about.  If this gets any worse, I am deffinitly going.  But for now, I will try to hydrate myself just in case dehydration is the cause... because I know they are going to suggest that as the cause first.

And remember the Tea Tree Shampoo I have been talking about?  Well I decided to show you a picture of it that way, if you wanted to get this heavenly goodness, you knew what it looked like.  You get it at Sally's Beauty Supply.  (That is the only place I have seen it.)

It's just as good as the actual Paul Mitchell brand, promise :)

Well, I have to finish cleaning for this Hurricane Party.

Ps, if anybody has any Halloween costume ideas that I can include my belly in... please suggest them.  I want to do something cool.  My fall back idea is a drunk redneck (my belly would be the beer belly, hehe).

<3 Tory

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

18 weeks ;

Hooray!  Another week closer to my lovely child walking out of my vagina with all the 40 weeks worth of accumilated swagger it learned from hearing my voice and feeling my emotions.  :)  I'm excited about this bump that is becoming more and more apparent.

And here is the magical status on the thing that is inside my womb:

It says here I might be feeling kicks, but I have felt no deffinite kicks.  And this makes me sad.  I REALLY want to feel something, instead of the slight movements that I think that might be.  I hope it comes soon... 

I had more to say, but it is now 1 in the morning... and my brain has shut off.  So, I am going to go to bed and await my majestic husband's arrival home. :D

<3 Tory

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Momma's Birthday ;

My mom's birthday was yesterday and I too her out to eat at Fatz, which was delicious.  For those of you who don't know, Fatz is just a regular American food resturant. I don't think there are a lot of them, but I have no idea.  I haven't seen many at least. Then we went to Wal-Mart, Sally's and Payless Shoes and bought a lot of things.

At Sally's I found tea tree shampoo!  This is exciting because it feels AMAZING on your head.  I haven't used it since I was little when we used to live in Oklahoma, which was from 1-3 grade.  (And the only reason I can spell Oklahoma correctly is because of that ridiculous song that we were forced to learn because it was the "State Song" or whatever its importance was.)  I also obtained a dry shampoo for the days that I don't have time or am to lazy to wash my hair.  Which... I'm not sure if it really works...  I used it this morning, and I don't think my hair really felt any different.  But then again it wasn't really greasy either.  [shrugs]  Has anyone else tried to use dry shampoo and liked it?

At Payless I got some baby slipper shoes, because every baby should have a good pair of slipper shoes.  Why?  Because I say they are the shit.  I fucking love slipper shoes.  I would rather wear them than regular shoes.  Not the granny slipper shoes obviously, but the cute regular ones.  (Preferably in brown or black ;D)  Mom also got baby a cute little baby tigger stuffed animal, and annouced that she finally settled on what she wanted to be called by the baby.  She has decided on Tigger.  She was actually called this at one point in her life by friends, and we I was little she could sing tigger's little jingle and do it perfectly.  All my friends and I loved that shit.  It was ballin.

I don't have any pictures from yesterday birthday festivities because what little pictures were taken, they are on my mom's camera.. so.. here is a picture of me and my mom on a different day :D

This was actually taken on my birthday ;
July 31, 2011
Now, I am going to attempt to energize myself because I have my anatomy and phisology class at 6, and all I want to do is SLEEP.  I guess working on that extreme case of carpel tunnel from my freaking FOUR hour typing class makes me tired.

<3 Tory

PS!  In exactly two weeks from today we will know what the sex of our baby is!  And I am so freaking excited.  I hope these two weeks FLY BY!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday, Shmunday ;

Today's post is going to be short, due to my lack of time.  I just wanted to share something very important...

The Glee Project Finale...  It was AMAZING

Mine and Caleb's most favorite, Sam, won!  Then Dameon, my second favorite ALSO won!  THEN Alex, who has the most amazing voice, won a small prize of being in two episodes.  And so did Lindsay, whos performace was actually pretty amazing.  I liked it, and I was really not going for her... like at all.  I was hoping she would get voted off for two episodes straight.  Haha.  :(

I might actually watch Glee just to see them in the episodes that they get to be written into.

I guess I should go study for a test now.. I'm having trouble being a functioning member of my household this evening. 

<3 Tory

August 20, 2011
I Woke Up This Morning Feeling Like P-Diddy ;

Except, I didn't really.  I woke up annoyed like I do pretty much every morning because my lovely fur babies are having trouble grasping the concept of how mommy wants to sleep until her alarm goes off.  She doesn't want to wake any minute sooner!  I guess they are trying to prep me for the wee babe's arrival, but... I REALLY wish they would let me enjoy my sleep while I can still get it.  -.-
Camera whore kitty.

I haven't posted the past couple of days because I have been really tired, its ridiculous.  Luckily for you, there isn't much to catch up on.  :)

One good thing is that I am still not bleeding!  I am still excited.  And if this lasts for the rest of my pregnancy, I will be estatic! 

Oh!  And, the night before last I did have a really werid dream.  Do y'all ever have any of those dreams where you fall from really high places... but don't wake up when you hit the ground?  Well thats the main part that I remember.  Me and a collection of people that I have seen in my life and my close friend Sienna were stuck on a tall ass night post.  They were perched kind of like birds and a camper was kind of behind them on the wire.  (Unrealistic, I know)  Then it's like I was hanging on closer to the actual poll like a sloth, confused as to how I got up there in the first place. 
Then after a while of this collection of people of tyring to keep their balance and to not fall.  Some how.. I slip or let go and start the epic fall trying to manuver myself in the air to land in some water.  Did this work?  Sort of.  I landed in some puddle in the woods.. but it didn't hurt. 
Then the rest of my dream consists of me some how ending up only in a coral coloured towel, running around to any house in the forest trying to find help.  I did find one of these houses, but after talking to the people it cut to a old style town at a gas station and me running up to a police man trying to explain what happened.  And then it cut to me being in the back of a police car with a friend named Joy who is also friends with Sienna and a couple of other people and her telling me Sienna's bones were broken and she is the only one that got hurt, then she laughed, and then I woke up.  Werid.

---- I stopped writing this post this morning to get ready for work, and then.. all hell broke loose.-----

By that, I mean my hormones decided take over and I became doom in human form.  Poor Caleb, I know he wants to take my hormones and beat the shit out of them.  He is a good husband though :)

Then I went to work, and got slammed.  Boo.  Also signed this paper where I cannot talk shit about my work on the internet because we are going wi-fi.  I wonder what constitutes as shit? .... Maybe I should have fully read the paper.  Oops.

Then when I got off work, the husband and I went to Texas Roadhouse to eat.  Which made me sick... again.  After we had left the resturant... again.  And Caleb had to pull over so I could puke all over a parking lot... again.  But this time it was bad.  I couldn't even make it all the way out of the car.  Meaning I threw up on myself, the car door, in some crevaces, on the bottom side of the car and THEN on the parking lot.  Caleb tried to comfort me, then he started gagging... again.  It was horrible, and nasty.  :(

After I came home, got in the shower. I went to the mall and finally got a pregnancy belly button ring! :D  It looks like this:
I got this at Spencers.  :)
And that concludes the excitment for today.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

17 weeks ;

Today, I am a full 17 weeks pregnant!  Hooray!  Only about 3 more weeks until we find out the sex of our baby!  Ahh, I cannot wait!

17 weeks :)
To be honest, this picture was taken yesterday, because Caleb said I looked really cute.  So, I made an exception.  I promise I am the same size as I was yesterday though, nothing changed to the naked eye!

I found this picture at  :)
Other than this, nothing exciting has really happened today.  I went to school, came home and slept.  I had planned to get Caleb and I into bed early too, since we both have to wake up early (he earlier than I, obviously.) and we both are exhausted every day since we can't get into bed at a decent time.  Instead of going to bed though, Caleb annouces that we HAVE to watch The Rivals.  (Go Mike and Leroy, WOO!)

Tory :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Interruption To A Small Cleaning Frenzy;

I would rather be writing than cleaning right now anyway! :)

Today was kind of uneventful.  I had two classes today.  One that revolves around typing (which is going to be an easy A because I can already type well as it is), and the other is an introduction to Anatomy and Physiology.  The good thing is instead of having the Anatomy one on Tuesdays and Thursdays like I had originally thought, I only have it on Tuesdays now!  Hooray for lying schedules! :D

When I had told y'all that I had started bleeding, I don't know if I told you that within a few hours the red blood and turned brown (old blood) and now I am barely leaking any of that!  I am excited, now hopefully it just goes away and never comes back!  I'm tired of the constant worry to what's going on.  Even with doctors telling me that nothing has gotten worse, or not to worry unless I have 50 cent piece sized clots pass or tissue... its hard to wonder if they are accidently over looking something really important.  :(  Fingers crossed that nothing bad is happening!  Since that is all I can do at this point -.-

I hope everybody's week is going well!  

<3 TK

Ps.  If anybody has any ways/ websites that I can get my blog out there, please share!  I'm new to this whole community and I want to interact!  And so does my best friend/ future Coast Guard wife, Helen!  Thank you in advance!

Me and Helen in Feb. '10 ; It's old, but I love it :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day Back at School ;

Today was my first day back to school, but my first day in general at my new school.  I only had one class today: Medical Legal Issues.  This one class sounds like its going to consume my life, and then I have to add two more plus a 8 week course starting in October.  I guess I had this wrong assumption that community college was going to be a lot easier than a University- But the work load deffinitly doesn't seem to be.  I guess we will see once we actually get in the semester though.  Hopefully it's not going to kick my ass to hard!  I've got other things to do.

But, on a positive note- I scheduled the ultrasound appointment where we get to find out the sex of our baby!  We will find out on September 6th at 1230 pm!  I'm so excited, and I cannot wait!  Whatever we have in my tummy, we will be happy with!  Howeverrrr... we are hoping that there is a little boy in there!  :D

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Last Day of Freedom ;

Important: I changed the setting to this blog so now anyone can comment, and not have to have a google account, OpenID, etc.  Even if you want to leave an anonymus comment, you can.  Bring it :)  AND- I am trying to get this thing out into the pregnant bloggers community.  All I can really find is people who have already had their baby, but it would be nice to be able to read someones blog who is going through the same thing and isn't so much ahead of me!  If you are apart of/ have randomly came across something like this, PLEASE let me know!!

Today was just a normalish Sunday.  I worked a morning hostess shift at Red Robin with Chelsi, but it was sad because today was her last day before she moved to Tennessee with her VERY soon (like tomorrow) to be husband.  Caleb started to clean the apartment when he woke up.  I joined in when I got off :)  The Tit's tried to help, but the clean pile of laundry that needs to be put up was so overwhelming that they just couldn't handle it anymore!

In yesterday's post, I talked about my poor grey tit's paw getting stuck and being hurt.  For those of you who were as concerned as I was.. She is fine! :D  Jumping and playing as normal.  It's like nothing happened.  Last night, she was being a little attention whore though.  Caleb would tell me that she is walking normal, putting weight on her paw and everything.  Then when I would look, she would be limping and barely putting weight on her paw... Eventually I caught her walking normal.. Seems that she was putting on a small show since I mentioned that she and her sissy would be getting tuna today because she was a poor hurt kitty.  Ahh!

Yes, they got tuna anyway.  :)  I'm such a sucker for cute furry faces.

Tomorrow, I unfortunately won't have the chance to be so lazy and put off things such as putting away laundry as I did today.  I start school once more..  This time at a Community College, and on a completely different track than what I had started two years ago.  (Or even just a year ago, because I can never figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.. to many options!)  As of now, I am aiming for an Associates in Medical Office Administration.  I think the job market for this will be awesome,  but... will I want to stick with this for the rest of my life?  Probably not, knowing my track record.

On a more exciting note!  While I was trying to find a community of pregnant people blogs, I came across this website that has pictures of the size of your baby and and some highlight points of what happens that week.  I think I will start adding this on Wednesdays when I post my weekly belly picture, because its interesting.

Here is the 16 week one:
I found this at :)  In a more word flilled version that was above
this on the website said I might be able to feel the baby move slightly, now... I think I have!! But I am not sure, the movements are to light to tell.  It is still exciting anyway!! :D

Isn't that neat?!?! I thought so too.  :p

The down side of today is that I started bleeding a little bit again.  I thought once I got pregnant I wouldn't have to deal with all of this blood coming out of my lady parts!  It's no fun.  We aren't going to the ER this time though because the doctor that saw me the last time told me that I didn't need to come back unless I passed clots or tissue.  That means I just have to sit it through.  GREAT.  I wish there was something that could be done about this...  It's scary to me.

Did any of you that have had babies or are pregnant right now go through this?  Tell me about it!

<3 Tory

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cribs and Cat Scratch Fever ;

Hooray!  The crib is put together and the bedding and bumpers and what not are put on!  Caleb and I are excited!  It is beautiful!  We decided to just go with a green theme no matter what the sex of our baby ends up being.  Just because we are not fans of pink for if it was a girl, and.. green is just pretty.  :D  We had a different crib thanks to our friend Belinda, but I found this crib on the PX website and fell in love with it! Plus, it wasn't that expensive!  :)  Here are some pictures of the finished product.  (Or mostly finished, because I will just have to take everything off and wash it.  Everything must be clean for Baby!)

The thing on the back of the crib is the valance, but we don't have
something to hang it up with yet.  :)

The Tits were very involved in the putting together of the crib.  Caleb wasn't very appreciative of it, but they were determined to make their new brother or sister's crib a safe area.

Speaking of The Tits, Pandora had an accident today.  I about had a freaking panic attack, and I would have been a complete mess if Caleb hadn't magically walked into the door seconds before the madness began.  I was sitting on the couch trying to put my facial jewelry back in, and I dropped on of the balls that goes on my snake bite in the couch.  While trying desperately to find it instead of using up another stupid ball, Pandora is chasing my hand (the recliner to the couch is up, by the way, so she can get under it to chase my hand).  After a couple of minutes, Caleb walks in and I decide to give up.  While we are saying hello, (I haven't even got up off the floor all the way yet) I hear this heart wrentching meow of pain.  I panic, while Caleb dives to the rescue!  I stop panicing and help as much as I can, which isn't really much because there isn't much room :(  But eventually he gets Pandora's claw out from the couch and her paw out of the awkard position it was in, and I instantly scoop her up and snuggle.  Then when I put her down, she pretty much falls because the paw that was stuck was so hurt.  I thought it has broke it, but now she is walking on it just fine.  We almost took her to the kitty emergency room!  My mom reassured us this wouldn't be nessisary after I had called her and asked for her expert advice. :)

If you can't tell, I love my cats as if they were my children.  I am one of those crazy cat people, and proud of it!  ...Except I don't have 50 cats, just two.  :D

I found out yesterday that Caleb is offically getting deployed to Afghanistan as well.. I am trying to stay positive and not make that the front thought in my mind and enjoy our time.  (Even though today I have been a complete mess.  I swear, these hormones make me a nutcase.) He isn't deploying until May, so he will be here for Baby's grand enterance as well as the first three months of life! Which is amazing, I would be so sad if he missed the birth.  While he is gone we will be able to Skype some so he will get to see Baby.  And I am going to try to get a video recorder or something so I can capture all of Baby's firsts so he can see it in action!!  Thank goodness for technology!  We are trying to make plans for what I will be doing when he deploys.. but I am so unsure of what I want to do, so I don't want to think about it until closer to the time. 

I guess I should go to bed now, as it is 1:30 am.  I have to open tomorrow, after closing tonight.  Oh wells.  Money is money, right?  And I don't have to work with the manager that always without fail, pisses me off because he is just ridiculous really.  Maybe I will go into detail one day.

Friday, August 12, 2011

From Excitment To Doom ;

Today I had my 16 week appointment!  And it was exciting, and surpirisingly short!  I guess because I have been to the ER and had so many follow up appointments* there is nothing more for them to tell me this week.  Except the fact that the due date has been changed again for the millionth time.  It's now back to January 25th instead of the 29th.  Also, Baby's heartbeat is 152 bpm!  I was excited to hear it!  I wish Caleb could have been there to hear it too.. but he couldn't get out of work today.  He is trying to come to every appointment that he can so far, he hasn't come to only 2.. maybe 3.. out of the million that have been too.  (Follow ups included)  He is so supportive and excited!

Taken on August 10th ; When I turned 6 weeks.

I'm trying to take looking down pictures every week, starting this week too :)

* I've been to the ER 4 times during this pregnancy all for the same thing.  The first time was at 6 weeks.  I had a subcorionic hemorrhage/ hematoma.  Both terms were used, so I don't know specifically which one was or if it was both.  Hah.  The 3rd time I went to the ER the doctor said that the hemorrhage had gotten bigger.  If it continues to get bigger then I could possibly have a miscarriage.  Which is terrifying.  But as of now, nothing has changed and I am no longer bleeding red or brown blood.  Hooray!

Aside from the exciting events of this morning, I find out that my somebody at my bank made a copy of a check that I deposited with them and then deposited the copy at some other bank in Raleigh.  There was an insane amount of rage when I found out this bit of information, because the check was from a family member.. so the money was taken out of their account TWICE.  The FM got their money back, thank goodness.  But, due to my anger I started driving up to that bank like a mad woman, calling my mom on the way.  My mom ended up calming me down and talking me into waiting until I could talk to Caleb about it because my account is under his and advised that the bank could be assholes and just close our account.. so.. Now I am here writing..

AND as a sidenote... I'm pretty sure there is a ghost in my apartment.  I believe this because of a couple of small incidents before today, but when I came home the small baby night time snuggle cloth/blanket thing was outside of the baby's room.  Now, you might automatically assume that it was one of the cats.  This can't be the cause though, because the door was closed.  It has been closed all night, because I closed it and I didn't see this on the floor when I closed it.  So when I go into the baby's room to put it back where it was, the blanket that it was sitting on top of was also in the floor.. almost like when the small snuggle blanket was taken off of it, it wasn't lifted.. it was dragged.  It was so weird...  Whatever it is I'm not liking the fact that it is playing with the baby's things.

What do y'all think about this?  I'd like to ease my little mind :)


PS- Here are my fur babies.  Also known as "The Tits".  Adorable and deadly wrapped into two furry packages.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The beginning ;

Hello!  My name is Tory, and as of July 31st of this year I turned the magical age of 20!  I am a wife to my wonderful husband, Caleb.  I am the mother to two fur babies and Caleb and I are excepting our first two legged wee babe in January of next year! And we are more than excited.  Right now, I am 16 weeks and 1 day.  We found out via pee stick when I was a little over 4 weeks and then had it doctor confirmed a couple days later.

Glorious first picture, right? YAY PEE STICKS.

Caleb and I met in August of last year, made it "exclusive" that October, and then got married on Febuary 18, 2011.  He is the most amazing man, and the biggest goofball I have ever met.  He is in the Army as a Airborne Infantry man.  When we first met he had already been deployed so I was hoping I would luck out and he wouldn't get deployed again while we were married (because he is not planning on making this a career - so it could have been possibe) but now we find out that there is about an 80% chance that he is getting deployed to Afganistan in May... 3 months after our baby is born. We will make the best of it though.. Thank god for technology!

You will soon find out, Caleb rarely makes serious faces and pictures. <3

On top of being a wife and soon to be mother, I also work part-time as a hostess at Red Robin.  And just so you all know, I have seen the commercials.  I know what they say.  No need to say the little catch phrase to me.  In fact, saying that stupid jingle is FORBIDDEN.  Please, and thank you.  And I will start back school this coming Monday as a full time student. Busy, busy I will be!

That's all for now, because I claim it to be nap before going to work and slamming my head against the hostess stand until they tell me I can go home.  :)

<3 ;
Tory  !