Hooray! The crib is put together and the bedding and bumpers and what not are put on! Caleb and I are excited! It is beautiful! We decided to just go with a green theme no matter what the sex of our baby ends up being. Just because we are not fans of pink for if it was a girl, and.. green is just pretty. :D We had a different crib thanks to our friend Belinda, but I found this crib on the PX website and fell in love with it! Plus, it wasn't that expensive! :) Here are some pictures of the finished product. (Or mostly finished, because I will just have to take everything off and wash it. Everything must be clean for Baby!)
The thing on the back of the crib is the valance, but we don't have
something to hang it up with yet. :)
The Tits were very involved in the putting together of the crib. Caleb wasn't very appreciative of it, but they were determined to make their new brother or sister's crib a safe area.
Speaking of The Tits, Pandora had an accident today. I about had a freaking panic attack, and I would have been a complete mess if Caleb hadn't magically walked into the door seconds before the madness began. I was sitting on the couch trying to put my facial jewelry back in, and I dropped on of the balls that goes on my snake bite in the couch. While trying desperately to find it instead of using up another stupid ball, Pandora is chasing my hand (the recliner to the couch is up, by the way, so she can get under it to chase my hand). After a couple of minutes, Caleb walks in and I decide to give up. While we are saying hello, (I haven't even got up off the floor all the way yet) I hear this heart wrentching meow of pain. I panic, while Caleb dives to the rescue! I stop panicing and help as much as I can, which isn't really much because there isn't much room :( But eventually he gets Pandora's claw out from the couch and her paw out of the awkard position it was in, and I instantly scoop her up and snuggle. Then when I put her down, she pretty much falls because the paw that was stuck was so hurt. I thought it has broke it, but now she is walking on it just fine. We almost took her to the kitty emergency room! My mom reassured us this wouldn't be nessisary after I had called her and asked for her expert advice. :)
If you can't tell, I love my cats as if they were my children. I am one of those crazy cat people, and proud of it! ...Except I don't have 50 cats, just two. :D
I found out yesterday that Caleb is offically getting deployed to Afghanistan as well.. I am trying to stay positive and not make that the front thought in my mind and enjoy our time. (Even though today I have been a complete mess. I swear, these hormones make me a nutcase.) He isn't deploying until May, so he will be here for Baby's grand enterance as well as the first three months of life! Which is amazing, I would be so sad if he missed the birth. While he is gone we will be able to Skype some so he will get to see Baby. And I am going to try to get a video recorder or something so I can capture all of Baby's firsts so he can see it in action!! Thank goodness for technology! We are trying to make plans for what I will be doing when he deploys.. but I am so unsure of what I want to do, so I don't want to think about it until closer to the time.
I guess I should go to bed now, as it is 1:30 am. I have to open tomorrow, after closing tonight. Oh wells. Money is money, right? And I don't have to work with the manager that always without fail, pisses me off because he is just ridiculous really. Maybe I will go into detail one day.